Fixing Oversized Resolution Issue in Windows


Encountering an oversized resolution issue on your Windows computer can be frustrating, especially when the auto-adjustment feature fails to correct it. This KB article provides a simple solution to fix the problem by adjusting the screen resolution to 1280x720 using the Display Settings.


Step-by-Step Guide to Fix Oversized Resolution:

Step 1: Access Display Settings

  1. Right-click on an empty area of your desktop.
  2. From the context menu, select "Display settings."

Step 2: Adjust Screen Resolution

  1. In the Display Settings window, scroll down to the "Scale and layout" section.
  2. Under "Display resolution," you'll see a list of available resolution options. Click on the drop-down menu.
  3. From the available resolutions, select "1280 x 720."

Step 3: Apply the New Resolution

  1. After selecting the desired resolution, Windows will ask if you want to keep the changes. A timer will appear allowing you to revert the changes if necessary.
  2. If the new resolution is suitable, click on the "Keep changes" button before the timer runs out.

Step 4: Confirm the Resolution Change

  1. The screen will momentarily go black as Windows applies the new resolution.
  2. After a few seconds, your screen will display the adjusted resolution.

Additional Tips:

  • If the "1280 x 720" resolution doesn't resolve the issue, you can try other resolutions from the list to find the one that suits your display best.
  • If you're using a dual-monitor setup, make sure to adjust the resolution for each monitor individually.