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For NLC instructors and staff to request invigilation services within NLC

Debrief form for at end of each invigilated exam.

For requesting invigilation services for student's that require accommodations during their exams.

For requesting invigilation services for exams not provided by NLC.

Please use this form to request a change of room. The Student Housing Manager will reach out to you to discuss your request. If a request is not accommodated immediately, your request will be kept on file.

Please use this form for any general IT requests not captured by other forms available in the IT department. This form is for the public and students to request IT support.

Before applying, be sure to review the Student Housing Handbook and our NLC policies. A non-refundable $50 application fee must be made to Campus Services at the time of application submission. You will receive an email as receipt of your application.

Guests are allowed to visit periodically; however, Residents are responsible for their guest’s behaviour and must be personally present with their guests at all times. As a student living in housing, we understand the importance of building connections through sharing your space with both on and off-campus friends. It is important to remember that each guest you bring into your community has the potential to make an impact. For this reason we encourage you to work together with your guest and community members to ensure this impact is positive.

Gathering vehicle information assists us in keeping track of who is parking in student parking. Because space is limited we would like to ensure that our students have access to these spaces first.